Thursday, March 29, 2007

So, today I went to the elementary school for a book fair, like I did yesterday. It was pretty cool, working with those little kids. Apparently they swear a lot but they were so cute to me!! I haven't really done anything but that and climb about 1000 stairs (I'm not making that up; that was my exercising for the day). Other than that, it's been pretty dang boring.

I was looking at the NY Times earlier. There was something there about how Burger King is adopting more humane standards for the animals that are slaughtered for their food. Something like 5% of there eggs are going to come from chickens that can wander around freely in a building and 20% of the pork they're going to use will come from pigs that are going to be raised in pens, instead of crates. Or vice verse, can't really remember the exact numbers with the kind of food, but I know it was 5% and 20%. It reminded me of S. Cook's little rampage on KFC because their chickens are slaughtered in horrible conditions--believe me, I saw the videos on-line. Well, it's kind of awesome that one of the bigger fast food places are finally recognizing that the animals that we eat are actual living things.

I also found this cartoon that really hit home (sort of, since it didn't happen to me). It's about the British soldiers that are being imprisoned by Iran. There it is ---->
The cartoon reminded me of a documentary I saw on HBO about Abu Ghraib. I watched it late at night and it was extremely horrible to watch. The people were abused and tortured. I'm not saying that the British deserve to be tortured because they most certainly don't but what was happening to the prisoners in Abu Ghraib was horrific.
"We listened as his soul cracked." -former prisoner of Abu Ghraib on the torture of a fellow inmate.


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