Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hey! I wrote this when I was upset so disreguard some of the more offensive stuff!! So here it is:

Hey! Wanna know something weird? Pushing me into deciding my future is not the way into growing in my faith! I am not like other people! I can't just go and choose something to be passionate about! I have to actually feel something for that thing!

I am tired of being molded into something I'm not. Let me tell you who I am. I am confused, iam scared, I am tired. Sometimes I can be mean, sometimes I can be nice. I hav e not been able to make decisions easily so please don't push me because I hate it. I hate feeling bad after those conversations. I just hate it.

I do feel bad that I don't know what I want to do. I really do. But I don't know.

I don't like how I look a lot of the time. Somethimes I fear that I made a mistake my simply jumping in in Christianity. I don't know if I'll be a good mom thgh I want a family. Ever since I was little, I dreamed of having a family and husband who loved and adord me but first I know that I have to love myself. But that's difficult when you grow up being raised in a critical family and a critical school. I have to remind myself I am created in HIs image so I must be beautiful but it's hard. I don't doubt Him, I doubt myself. Okay? I'm being very open here, and since I'm putting this o my blog, I feel like a deserve a break.

I have a lot to change. I am worried about the here and now. I mam worried about my likely-to-be-developed eating disorders and self image. I am worreid about trusting God and believeing that everything will be okay if I ust keep following Him. I cannot be wrroed about what I will be doing next year because if I do, I know I will be worreid about teh same things. So please, take my honesty as an olive branch, a truce signal and please back off. I love you all but I am dealing with more than simple family issues and trust issues that you all think I am. It is harder than you think.


  1. Anonymous said...
    I have some things to say, but I have to go in a few, so I'll just say one though.

    Your walk with God is yours, and yours alone. It's not mine, it's not that person's or that lady's, just yours. Therefore, don't expect it to be like anybody else's, don't try to compare it to anybody else's. Everybody is given a certain amount of faith anyway.
    Ryan said...
    I don't want to start anything, and it isn't about proving someone wrong, but I want you to know that we aren't given faith. We give faith. The amount of faith you have is solely dependent on you. Not anyone else. Not even God. If we pray for more faith, He will not give us more, but simply direct us where to put it. For example in Him, rather than our own capability. Plus, the Bible talks about faith the size of a mustard seed. You don't need a lot of it, you just need it to be directed towards God. But Shonda is right, do not compare your walk to that of others. The quality and validity of your walk should be talked about with you and God. God is always taking you somewhere. You don't have to work to hard to figure out where. You just need to be patient and listen.
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