Thursday, October 2, 2008

Je ne suis pas!

Je suis inferme. Je suis tres inferme. I love being able to complain in french. It somehow makes me feel better.

For those of you who are not lucky enough to speak this language, I'm sick! And I hate it. I despise it. I feel dizzy when I walk, my ears hurt like crap, and I cough sooooo much. I don't want to be sick! At least wait until this week is over! It's been a weird week so don't make me sick on top of it!!

But I have Shonda as a roommate and Shonda is amazing. She brought me tea today and told me not to die, which is very nice of her. I'm sorry if I get you sick Shonda! I'm sorry if I get anyone sick! I love you all and will try to take care of you too!


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