Friday, December 18, 2009

Tik Tok on the Clock

So I'm at home again. I'm not really sure how I feel about that. It's no secret that being at home is hard for me. But then again, being at school was just as hard but in very different ways. I can't really explain it. I feel like that would be way too hard to do and honestly, I don't really feel like I could explain it without hurting people in some sort of way. I don't know.

I've been thinking a lot about what sort of person I am and what am I becoming. I don't know if I like what I'm becoming or at least part of it. I'm jealous a lot for some reason, over really little things. Or angry over little things. Although to be honest, I've always been like that. I don't really understand it. I think it's been worse because I had a really bad semester and all; not as bad as some people, but it was really stressful and tiring. I had some things messed up and I'm getting back on track, trying to get back to the way I was before, although to which before I'm really not sure.

I've also been thinking about my future. Or at least one part of my future. I don't really know what's going on with the rest of it. I'm just sort of floating about here and there, trying to do what I can but not really having an idea of what I want or need to do. It's hard. I'm at a crossroads. I think we all are, or at least most of us.

I don't know. That phrase is like my catch-phrase. I say/type it a lot. Everything's just gonna take time, lots of time. I'll talk to you all later.


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