Sunday, March 8, 2009

I just read an article from the New York Times, stating that Obama is going to reverse Bush's orders regarding stem cell research. It would seem, that the President is willing to kill in order to further science and "separate science and politics." Finding that out is making me tear up. My God, if he is willing to kill children so that people like Christopher Reeves, may he rest in peace, will be able to walk, what else will he do? Those people have had the chance to live. The embryos have not. Human beings are not like frogs that are raised to give high school students a chance to dissect them!

"Separating science from politics?" There are some parts in science that I would rather not venture into, if you don't mind. There are some sciences that shouldn't be ventured into. I don't care if you are pro-life or pro-choice. If we do this, what will make us stop at other things? What will make us stop at killing someone to find out how the brain works? I realize this is a slippery slope argument but the thing is still there. It is human nature to take more than what is given; the phrase, "give an inch, take a mile" didn't become a cliche for nothing.

I'm not a Bush fan or an Obama hater. I just think the first is right and the latter is dead wrong. And unfortunately, this decision effects a lot more lives than most of the ones he is going to make in the next year or so. Maybe he should just continue taxing us to death so that our economy, which i had nothing to do with, can survive again. He seems to be good at that.


  1. Mack said...
    he is not killing fetus's by doing that. The fetus's that they use for stem cell research are one that died in the womb due to nature and from the fetus's that where aborted for one reason or another. He is not making a law so that every woman has to get pregnant and then get an abortion for science, he is just allowing people to donate there fetus's to science so that the dead can help the living to just that; Live.

    And I'm not yelling or tweaking out I just wanted to give my perspective on the situation
    Heather said...
    i spelled paid wrong. i'm not a smartie

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