Saturday, September 5, 2009


I'm back in the OZ and thus far, it's been one of the worst starts ever. I'm working so much and I have so many things I have to do. I'm so stressed out and overwhelmed, it's just all so exhausting. And the few hours I have to spend time with people, they're out doing something else with other people that they know that I can't go to, even though I said before that I wanted to. I don't have that much time to spend with people so when we have plans to do something, and they cancel at the last minute, what am I supposed to do? When they just leave me behind or something? I'm alone and I absolutely hate it. There are thousands of people around me every day. But I only talk to one of them every day. How am I supposed to maintain friendships if I never see them? I know that some of it is my fault. But they can go to wherever they want together when I'm working. I know that's selfish and everything. I know that this is whiny and complain-y, but how else am I supposed to let this out? There's noone around.

1 Comment:

  1. Kelly said...
    aw, I'm sorry you're having a rough start Heather. If you want to, you can talk to me about it any time..or better yet, if you find yourself with no one to talk to or hang out with you should give me a call on the phone or skype! That would be fun :)

    I hope things get better for you!

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