Tuesday, August 18, 2009

How My Day Might Go

I realize I've written a lot in the past couple days and I apologize. However, most of them have been pretty negative so maybe you'd like to know that I am no longer so unhappy, that sleep was truly what I needed in order to forget what was wrong with yesterday. To be able to have a little peace of mind, to feel good about myself and my surroundings. At least in the few hours that I have been awake. You never know what the day will bring, hey? But I will tell you how I wish my day would be.

My mama woke up this morning in a good good mood. It was strange. It was like I was little again and we got along and were a real, mother-daughter team. That doesn't happy anymore, if you want to know the truth. Hardly ever anyway. But she drank her coffee and we talked about my life, about God, the rest of my family (in a not-so-negative way) and about how I feel about certain things. My sister also woke up at a normal time, at least a normal time for us. I've missed Mimi but today, I was able to hang out with her, like she's become my friend again or something. We talked about so many things; like I said, I've missed her. All in all, it was such a good day. I feel like I'm part of a family again. I also got to talk to some very important people in my life today. It made me feel better about all of our relationships, not that I was doubting them.

That's how I wish my day would go. Let's hope that is does go that way.


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