Friday, November 14, 2008

The Wind is Strong

So much has happened since the last time I wrote. I went to the BASIC conference and had an amazing time there. Came back, talked to Bongo Man who decided we weren't meant to be friends and that I make him say awful things (things have since changed, for good or for bad). I messed up--again--and people are angry--again. But I wrote a song! It is done I think. Let me share it with you:

Though the wind is strong,
And the thunder rumbles;
and though I fall,
and though I stumble

Lord, You are there
to catch my fall;
Your outstretched arm,
You are all in all

So keep me Lord,
in Your embrace.
Your love is so dear,
it cannot be replaced.
And I will love* you
through the good and the bad.
Yes I will love* you
You are all i have

You are so perfect
You are astounding.
Evey single moment,
Lord Your love confounds me.

You are the same,
and always forgives.
I am Yours;
for You I live.

So keep me Lord
in Your embrace.
Your love is so dear,
it cannot be replaced.
And I will love* you
through the good and the bad.
yes i will love You
You are all i have.

I also have chords to this song, thanks to Ryan. I hope you all like it; writing it helped me.

1 Comment:

  1. Kelly said...
    I really like it Heather. It's poetic :)

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