Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Necter among Lemons

I really should be working right now; it's a little early in the semester to be procrastinating, but I've already started so why stop right?? You can't procrastinate procrastination; it just sort of calls out to you saying, come! it's fun!! And so of course, I do what it says.

I know that this semester is not easy at all. I'm working a lot, taking a lot of credits, and slowly, ever so slowly killing myself. But ya know what? I'm okay with that. Things in my personal life aren't perfect but they're good ya know? I have momentary lapses into doubts and horrible insecurities but I have good friends and a good boyfriend. They are there for me when I need them so I have nothing to complain about. The hard work will go away gradually. Thanksgiving will be here soon and I'll be able to sleep in for a week at a time and then it'll be Christmas where I'm thinking about taking a few courses but it won't be nearly as bad because I'll still be able to have like 2 weeks with my family. And until then, I'll continue to do what I'm doing now. Working hard with a few sweet moments in between shifts and classes.


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