Friday, October 2, 2009

Tests and Examinations

Everyone's just feeling really blah right now, ya know? Things are happening on the DL which are toying with a few people's emotions and other things are out in the open but noone talks about them for fear of hurting someones' emotions. I just had a thought, not to sound mean, but I sort of think that these things (whatever things, I'm not totally sure what I'm talking about) should be spoken aloud. I don't know.

A lot of relationship talk. It struck me the other day that I am the only one of my close friends who is in a relationship; it was weird because that NEVER happens. I'm not bragging (I know this sort of thing is a touchy sunject for lots of people), it's just something I noticed. For those who care, Nic and I are progressing along nicely. I see this going far if all is good and I don't get too afraid of commitment. That's an in and out sort of mood for me. Sometimes I don't mind thinking ahead; other times it turns my stomach. It's a good thing I have a boyfriend who is so patient, huh??

Speaking of patience, it's a good thing I have friends who are so patient too! I've been crabby and stuff lately and I've apologized to the people I think who have gotten the brunt of it all but I want to say it again: I'm sorry. I'm stretched so thin, ya know? It's like if I hang out with one person, then other people feel ignored. If I hang out with anyone, then school work goes undone. And then there's work which eats a HUGE chunk of my time and makes it difficult to do even the simplest of things with people. So annoying. But it's not like I can do anything about it. It's not really for me that I'm working for, it's for my family. They need the money more than I do. I have to help them; they've been helping me for 20 years. Who am I to say no now?

But yeah. Life is hard for everyone right now. This semester, I don't know what it is but this semester seems to be one of the most challenging years. I've had worse ones when it comes to emotions and stuff, but this is definitely not an easy one. But then again, it might also be one of the most rewarding. We just have to work through it and keep going. Life isn't supposed to be easy I guess. And it is most certainly not. It's a test; a very hard and long test of endurance.

1 Comment:

  1. Dee said...
    I agree!:-)

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