Wednesday, July 16, 2008

All Alone, Still

So I was talking to Ryan after a long time of not talking with him and as it turns out, after looking forward to a good weekend with good friends (or some good friends, not excluding other good friends, lol), it is not going to happen. I am tired of beign alone all of the time and listening to others say how amazing their weekends are or will be or whatever when all I do is work, eat, and sleep. I hate it! Ryan was saying stuff about how he misses everyone and he's tired of not seeing everyone only sporadically. The entire time, I was just thinking, well at least you get to see people sporadically. I haven't seen anyone for a month and that was only a weekend and only Andy and Josh. I'm not trying to be stupid or anything, I am just tired of not talking to anyone and not knowing what is going on and being the last to know things and just tired of being like this!!! AHHH!!!!

But, in better news, I talked to Beth and instead of being on an amazing weekend with my friends from the OZ, I will be spending Sunday first at church and then in Olean with her getting strings for my new...guitar!!! And Ryan, it is not because you got one (I'm not that competitive, haha). I actually really started thinking about getting one and checking some out online a couple days before you got yours. I was gonna tell you this strange coincidence a couple times but never got the chance. Anyway, it's Beth's old acoustic guitar. I don't need a new one or anything. If I get good and know what I'm doing I'm probably buy a good one. I don't know. I'm just excited. Something to do and strive at!!! YAY!!!!

Um, yeah. That's all.


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