Saturday, May 23, 2009

That's my color. Today I decided that the days of Casperina were going to come to an end. I decided that I was not going to white for at least three months, that I was going to be gorgeously golden. But instead of looking like a yummy loaf of bread that is tan and delicious, I look like strawberry cotton candy. I skipped over the hollywood starlette look and went straight to pink. Go me! >.< normal tan lines are okay). No. I was wearing a wife beater and shorts. I had a bra (of course) underneath the beater so I have extremely weird tan lines cuz i pulled up my shorts a little and my shirt a little and laid just over a hill where people couldn't see me. So my lines aren't even in the right places. And I'm pink--on one side.

So i've decided that from now on, white is fine. White is good. My body rejects all colors except white and pink. And that does NOT look good. So Casperina is going to live on but ya know what, I'm okay with that. With any luck, I'll have amazing skin when I'm old and you all will look fourty years older than you actually are.

Speaking of age and looking it, when I was going to get applications the other day, people asked me what my age was, assuming that I was too young to work at those specific places. When I asked my dad if I looked too young, he said "you look like you're about fourteen." Fourteen!! In case people haven't noticed, I think I am more *ahem* developed than a fourteen year old. My short hair is supposed to make me look older. Grr! What can I do for you people to believe me when I say that I have lived 2 decades?? What?!? Please tell me and then I will gladly go and do it!! Suggestions are welcome!! (I'm serious, help me out here. I don't want to look like I just hit puberty. That is not generally considered the best age to be.)

all the love,

1 Comment:

  1. Emily Elizabeth said...
    people usually tell me i look really young as well. at this point i've given up on trying to look older, cause it'll pay off later in life. =D enjoy looking young, and just smile whenever someone tells you how young you look.

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