Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pin Pricks of Heaven

A friend once told me that way back when, people used to think that stars were the light of heaven shining through from tiny pin pricks. He then went on to tell me what they really are but I still like the imagery of that. The stars are little, tiny holes into heaven.

And think about it, in the darkest of darkest nights, in the darkest, blackest places, we see those stars more clearly, they are more noticable. They are the one thing that people see and it gives them hope.

So let's remember that this summer, okay guys? Let's remember that even in the darkest of times, there are little bits of heaven that shine through.

(this was originally written for the blog, Light, but I wanted more people to see it so I put it here cuz I know people don't often check Light)
<3 heather

1 Comment:

  1. Mack said...
    So first I want to say, that that whole thing about the stars being pin pricks in the sky, is so beautiful, I love it Heather, I really do.
    Second, I am coming to visit you silly! As long as money goes well and so long as i can get the time off of work I will be coming down for a weekend or two, and we are going to go to the diner, and we are going to chat, and have fun, and laugh a lot. So there. lol I love you and miss you Heather I really do!

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